16 8月, 2013

Let's get physical.

Right.  So I had my annual physical t'other day.  Most Japanese companies require them.  Such an examination is not very expensive to begin with, and the company picks up the 30% co-pay because the thingus is mandatory.  So it's literally free of charge.

Well, it was about 37ºC outside with high humidity.  Heat index was around "Christ on a bike, it's hot!!"  Hadn't eaten anything since the night before in preparation for blood work.  Anyway, after walking for a couple of clicks, I was feeling pretty depleted and I was not finding the clinic.  I had also forgotten the questionnaire I was supposed to bring.  It was back at work.  However I really didn't want to go into the office.  It was Wednesday and there are people there I would rather avoid for the time being.  Plus, I was not dressed for work.  Not only was I not dressed for work, I was in the midst of growing my beard back and was very sweaty from wandering around in the heat.  I probably looked like a hobo.

But having failed to find the clinic, I decided I had no choice but to go in to the office.  So I trudged a couple more clicks back to work and snuck in the back way.  I made it in and out without seeing anyone I didn't want to.  In fact, I only saw one other teacher and two or three students.  They were students I teach, though.  They looked a little perturbed when they spotted me.  They've never even seen me without a necktie, much less sporting my finest slob chic.  Oh well.  しょうがない。

Anyway, I got what I needed and left.  The papers I'd forgotten had the clinic map on them.  Turns out it was in the general area I'd thought, but I just hadn't walked far enough.  I got to the clinic in time and was done with my physical in thirty minutes.  I can't even get a pizza delivered that quickly.  But during the physical, I saw one other teacher from my school.  However, though I recognized him, he didn't recognize me at all.  He didn't acknowledge me.  Not even after I bowed toward him.  It seemed he had no knowledge of who I was.  I guess all white people really do look the same.

All that aside, I just hope my cholesterol and triglycerides have gone down.

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