26 8月, 2013


夏休みはほとんどに終わった。 Summer vacation is almost over.  I really hope I can keep this job.  I do enjoy having an old-timey summer vacation.  In fact, this is the longest continuous vacation I've had in over five goddamn years.  It's definitely the most time off I've had while employed.  I had a few things I thought I was going to do.  However, they were all cancelled on account of Xbox and other fartknockery.  Among other things, I forgot what a penchant I have for sloth.  (The word penchant in the foregoing sentence should be pronounced in the French manner to salvage a little dignity.)

I did go back to my hometown for a bit.  Since returning from the New World, however, I've been spending a great deal of time holding the couch down.  This reasonably-priced IKEA fucker ain't gettin' away on my watch.  間違いないよ。  I've been getting up occasionally to make coffee... sometimes before noon, even.  Managed to finish some of my backlog on games.  Bought Alan Wake and blew through it in two days.  Also finished Halo Reach and Halo 4.  The latter was better than expected, by the way.  Other than that, mostly been pondering my navel and growing mushrooms on my ass.  I'm actually looking forward to going back to work.

So, I guess I've had enough break, because I'm broken.

「このレモコンにシャワーのボタンがあるかい。」Is there a shower button on this remote?

16 8月, 2013

Let's get physical.

Right.  So I had my annual physical t'other day.  Most Japanese companies require them.  Such an examination is not very expensive to begin with, and the company picks up the 30% co-pay because the thingus is mandatory.  So it's literally free of charge.

Well, it was about 37ºC outside with high humidity.  Heat index was around "Christ on a bike, it's hot!!"  Hadn't eaten anything since the night before in preparation for blood work.  Anyway, after walking for a couple of clicks, I was feeling pretty depleted and I was not finding the clinic.  I had also forgotten the questionnaire I was supposed to bring.  It was back at work.  However I really didn't want to go into the office.  It was Wednesday and there are people there I would rather avoid for the time being.  Plus, I was not dressed for work.  Not only was I not dressed for work, I was in the midst of growing my beard back and was very sweaty from wandering around in the heat.  I probably looked like a hobo.

But having failed to find the clinic, I decided I had no choice but to go in to the office.  So I trudged a couple more clicks back to work and snuck in the back way.  I made it in and out without seeing anyone I didn't want to.  In fact, I only saw one other teacher and two or three students.  They were students I teach, though.  They looked a little perturbed when they spotted me.  They've never even seen me without a necktie, much less sporting my finest slob chic.  Oh well.  しょうがない。

Anyway, I got what I needed and left.  The papers I'd forgotten had the clinic map on them.  Turns out it was in the general area I'd thought, but I just hadn't walked far enough.  I got to the clinic in time and was done with my physical in thirty minutes.  I can't even get a pizza delivered that quickly.  But during the physical, I saw one other teacher from my school.  However, though I recognized him, he didn't recognize me at all.  He didn't acknowledge me.  Not even after I bowed toward him.  It seemed he had no knowledge of who I was.  I guess all white people really do look the same.

All that aside, I just hope my cholesterol and triglycerides have gone down.

09 8月, 2013

Directly out of my...

Last week, I had a flight out of Duluth, Minnesota.  I had a connecting flight in Minneapolis, MN which would take me directly to 成田空港 (Narita Airport) in Japan.  Normally, I don't fly in or out of my hometown.  It's a small airport and usually adds a lot to the  ticket price.  However, on this occasion, it wasn't that much more expensive.  Plus I had to make haste to an event so I flew all the way there.

Well, the day before I was set to return, I was already in Minneapolis.  So I called the airline to say I'd like to forfeit my seat on the flight from Duluth to Minneapolis.  Simple enough, right?

Not so much.

In order to not use that portion of the flight, I would have had to pay an additional $300 for changing the itinerary.  That's right: you use less product and we'll charge you more money.  Mind you, this is a seat they could have conceivably re-sold to another patron.  Well, I asked what would happen if I "missed" my flight from Duluth.  They said the entire trip would be cancelled.

So, I had to hurry up and find a bus that would take me from Minneapolis back to Duluth... so I wouldn't miss my flight from Duluth to Minneapolis.  The bus ran me $50, but that beats the hell out of $300.  Then, when I got to the airport, I went to check my additional bag.  It was another $100.  Oh joy of joys!!  I vaguely recall a time when two checked bags were included for international flights.  Not anymore.  The real pisser is that all my stuff probably weighed less than 45 kilograms.  Thus, if either one of my bags had been big enough for all my shit, I could have avoided the fee.

By that point I was simply too tired to argue or care.  And, honestly, these are definitely luxury problems.  Still, I don't enjoy blowing money directly out of my ass.

06 8月, 2013

Midnight oil spill.

About this time of year is when I get to enjoy some quality jet lag.  It's also the season for obsessive thoughts.  Combine those two things, and you've got yourself a truly magical cocktail!  Suddenly wide awake at 2:00 AM apropos of nothing?  Splendid!  Let's take this opportunity to ruminate on everything!

You know that thing you forgot seventeen years ago at a time when it was really, really important?  Well, you're god damn well gonna remember it now!

You recall that time you were talking some long, tall shit to your ex while you were completely hammered?  Of course you don't!  But you sure as hell remember everyone telling you about it the next day!  Enjoy!

Oh, about those inappropriate feelings for your coworker... well, we're just gonna throw some neurotransmitter kerosene all over that shit.  It'll drive you right to distraction!  And we're gonna make sure that you feel guilty as hell for even having those feelings!

Hey, remember that man you shot in Reno?  Just to watch him die?  No?

You know that graduate degree you've almost completed?  In education?  Don't forget: you still can't spell "necessary" on the first try!

Do you remember what you have to do tomorrow?  Not so much?  Great!  You aren't going to, either!

The foregoing are just hypothetical examples, mind you.  Well, that "necessary" thing is all the way true.  But I never shot a man in Reno.  I stabbed that fucker... with a herring.  Johnny Cash never shot a man in Reno either.  Nevertheless, I have my own sundry parade of gnarly, cracked-out beavers gnawing away at the log I'm supposed to be sawing peacefully.

I don't relish being alone in the dark.  Granted, there is another human sleeping next to me.  But I can't very well be waking my dear housemate to chase away my trite demons.  As H.P. Lovecraft states it so eloquently in his 1924 story The Shunned House: "one who sits by a sleeper is indeed alone; perhaps more alone than he can realize."  Right now, it's my brain vs. the world.  Well, actually, it's more like my brain vs. itself.  Either way, we're fresh out of sheep so let's count failures instead!  This lifetime of unlovely memories will be our wallpaper in hell.  All the more reason to stop kicking puppies* for yuks.

*The author would like to stress that no puppies were actually kicked during the writing of this blog.