28 8月, 2016

Dark Red Tape

Trying to do better by the world.

Trying to reduce waste through various methods.  Order only as much food as necessary.  Avoid wasteful nonsense such as disposable razors and bottled water.   Use things until they break.  Try to mend things before replacing them outright.  Buy higher-quality products that last longer to begin with.

Voting with the wallet: patronizing businesses which exhibit greater social and environmental responsibility.  These businesses often have higher price tags because it costs real money to avoid things like exploiting workers living in poverty... especially workers in developing countries.  Luckily the household coffers suffice to support this endeavor.  Not everyone's do.

Another bugbear: plastic bags.  Especially here.  Japan has a tradition of meticulous wrapping techniques for gifts and merchandise called 風呂敷 (furoshiki). That, however, entailed reusable cloth. Marry that tradition with a modern culture of disposable packaging, and rampant, unrepentant baggery ensues.  Double bags.  Bags in bags.  Bag upon wretched bag.  Oh, the baggery.

To combat this, one may carry a reusable エコバッグ (eco bag) to use in lieu of the endless plastic bags.  However, fastidious and over-eager clerks encounter difficulty when asked to forego the bags.  Duty compels them.  Protocol compels them.  Red tape compels them... to tape.  They tape everyfuckingthing.  A large purchase of multiple, small items leads to store tape on each and every item.  This leads to cobwebs on clothes, irked glances from patrons in line, and unintended growth of a long white beard.

Would it kill you to just put the shit in the bag, please?  Pretty please?

28 3月, 2016

Spring Broken

Working in a school gives access to a good vacation schedule.  Taking time off during normal classes presents difficulties, but the prescheduled vacation time makes it worth it.  Well, as long as one isn't a workaholic... or a sad robot who cannot differentiate employment from slavery (and probably works for a workaholic boss).  Not this carbon blob.  No sad robot here.  Vacation time!

Granted, having a toddler in the house changes the nature of vacations.  Sleeping in no longer occurs.  Down time becomes punctuated by childcare in its myriad guises.  But no problem.  The toddler in question was 100% intentional.  This makes the childrearing perhaps a little easier.  It's difficult to imagine dealing with all these things except caring for an unwanted child.  Slightly mind boggling, but it happens.  Oh, it happens.  But not here.

Still the little monkey takes a considerable mid-day nap and goes to bed at 20:00.  After that, Fallout time!  Released a while ago but a new DLC just came out.  Boo-ya!!