03 2月, 2014

Something Runneth Over

Just moved into a new apartment.  Same general area.  東京の下町。Once again by the river.  隅田川。「下町」literally means "downtown", but there's an additional nuance to it.  It's the old lower city, from when Tokyo was Edo.  It has a certain feeling to it, a certain je ne sais quoi, which some locals would judge me unable to appreciate as an outsider.  Fair enough.  俺は正確に江戸っ子じゃない。Truthfully I have said essentially the same thing to some visitors in regards to my hometown.  However, as outsiders, those same folks can appreciate my hometown objectively... a thing which I am incapable of doing.  Irony.  It's magically delicious.  Especially with potatoes.  皮肉じゃが。

そう... last week in the old place,  had toilet trouble.  おトイレ様のおなかが痛かった。 There was a poonami warning, and it became quickly apparent that there was no plunger in the house.  Lived in that apartment for five years.  五年間。In all that time, there was never a problem... until that last week.  After a very hasty trip to the store, a plunger was added to the home arsenal.  It's one of those things no one thinks of until the need arises.  But when the need arose, it rose swiftly: like buoyant, impending doom borne upon fetid waters.

Anyway, has plunger now.